Avoiding Malpractice and Staying Ethically Compliant
Legal technology is a double-edged sword; it can cause malpractice, or it can guard against it! Most of the top causes for malpractice and grievance issues are related to organization, communication, and law office management. As such, they are largely preventable. How do you properly communicate confidential information with clients? How do you properly negotiate documents with opposing counsel? How do you properly redact court filings? Technology helps with all of these..if used properly. Learn how to avoid common mistakes while using technology to your advantage by building malpractice avoidance procedures into your workflow. This seminar covers these topics and more as well as the lawyer's responsibilities for proper awareness and use of these technologies under ABA Model Rules 1.1, 1.6, 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3.
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